Editorial Work

When my issue of HYPE came out!
My main editorial work was my time with HYPE Magazine, where I held various roles to create a cohesive publication.
Issue #48 - Designer (Mar to Early May 2019)
Issue #49 - Editor and designer (my issue! Apr to Early Oct 2019)
Issue #50 - Writer (Oct 2019 to Feb 2020)
Key Achievements:
Produced 2 issues of HYPE Magazine (issue #48 and #49)
Managed 20 student writers under me
Edited over 80 stories submitted by the writers
Organised photoshoots for issue #49 cover and some stories
Liaised with marketing for promotions and distribution
Managed a social media team
Published 3 stories in issue #50

HYPE Magazine is a biannual infotainment and lifestyle magazine for youths, by youths. I came in as the editor for HYPE in March 2019 and immediately set to clean up the design and publish issue #48 before I worked on my issue #49. Based on the stories written by the student reporters, I curated them to reflect the theme of MAJULAH. I also added features to create a more holistic magazine reading experience and reignited the magazine's social media to connect with our target audience.
I had a small team working on the design and a new editorial colleague in the last 2 months. The rest of the work is all my own. I will expound on each area I worked on below:
Those who choose to pick up a physical copy don't just want to read, but want to enjoy the relaxing, tactile experience. Hence, I created a Spotify playlist to enrich this experience. Listen to it here:
These are some of the designs and spreads I designed for both issue #48 and #49. For my editorial work on these stories, Read it here or download the e-copy of the #49 issue below:
my magazine spreads
I also wrote for issue #50 of HYPE Magazine and for TheUrbanWire. You can the bulk of the work under the "Writing" tab but for easy reference, here are the articles: